Developer Experience Cloud Native – From Code Gen to Git Commit without a CI/CD Pipeline
Developing cloud native applications bring in a lot of complexities for developers. Without using tools to compensate these complexities, you will not become very efficient. Additional, cloud developers often suffer a rising frustration, by fighting these problems.
Before I push my code into Git, I want to test different things in my cloud environment. Therefore it is essential to have a fast and easy round trip. A classic round trip starts by writing or generating code, create a Docker image, deploy it into Kubernetes and test or remote debug the application in Docker or in Kubernetes. Without some elementary tools, this round trip will not be very fast or simple and therefore error prone.
This Lab will show you some open source tools, making your live as a developer more easy. Short demos will demonstrate the simple handling of these tools. Starting point is the generation of a MicroProfile and a SpringBoot application. By using the different tools (e.g. Helm, Shell completion, kubectl cp, Ksync, Stern, Kubefwd, Telepresence, …) on these applications, the complete round trip will be shown. Most of these tools can also be used with other programming languages. Every tool works on its own which makes it easy to switch between these tools.
Finally you will get an evaluation of these tools and I will show you an outlook on tools which are more focused on larger developer teams.
Lab: Developer Experience Cloud Native – From Code Gen to Git Commit without a CI/CD Pipeline